🩸 Newsletter #31: Coding after 40, an emoji generator, living on the Edge...
A bi-monthly newsletter about Ruby on Rails and the web.
In this issue we learn how to protect our rights while using online tools, we do some yoga to save our carpal canal, we create fun emojis, we discover the Edge functions…
😙 French version (version française) | 🤌 Italian version (versione italiana) | 🤝 Spanish version (versión española)
Web News 🗞️
Last Monday, we learned with terror about the new attack on abortion rights in the US. How to protect ourselves if the worse happens? This article from The Wired explains how to safely search for information about abortion online. Many people are worried their menstrual data recorded on apps can be used against them, we found an open-source app called drip. ensuring the protection of personal data.
🛤️ Ruby and Rails News
The next Ruby Conf will stay in Texas. The decision was hard to take for the organization, but because of financial reasons, it was the best they could take.
Hacker News asks, again, if Ruby On Rails is still pertinent (oui, yes, si, sí)
Ruby tip 💎
This library does magic and generates random strings for your encryption needs: hexadecimal, base64, binary, uuids, etc
require 'securerandom'
p SecureRandom.hex(10) #=> "52750b30ffbc7de3b362"
p SecureRandom.base64(12) #=> "7kJSM/MzBJI+75j8"
p SecureRandom.random_bytes(10) #=> "\016\t{\370g\310pbr\301"
p SecureRandom.uuid #=> "bad85eb9-0713-4da7-8d36-07a8e4b00eab"
On the Web 🕸️
🌱 Save Your Wrists, Stretch Them
New industry, new lifestyle, new… MSK (musculoskeletal) conditions. All day in front of a computer, with desks not always well arranged: for many people, wrists pain is part of the routine. In this video, Africa Kenyah presents 5 yoga exercises to relieve your joints. Accessible and efficient.
✨ 5 Stretches for the Wrist: Yoga Therapy for Computer Users - Africa Kenyah
👩💻 Coding at All Age
From professional chef to full-stack developer! In this interview, Trish tells us about her career change, from the beginnings with Javascript on Coursera to her job as Software Engineer. Do you think it is a common story? Well, now consider that Trish is in her 40s.
✨ Trish became a Web developer after 40 - Trish G
🏳️🌈 Your/Her/His/Their Pronouns
“What’s your gender?” This inevitable question in forms is generally easy for cis people, but for trans people and those who question themselves, when in it’s not asked in a thoughtful and respectful way, it can be painful. Sabina Fonseca explores new ways to ask this question when we design a form… And even propose not to ask it.
👀 This article was discovered in This Too Shall Grow by Clo and we advise you to subscribe to it!
✨ Designing forms for gender diversity and inclusion - Sabrina Fonseca
Some Code 💻
🗺️ Coding on the Edge
These past weeks, Netlify et Deno announced they will work together to provide Edge Functions. Of course, our editorial board was like:
And we are lucky because Salma Alma-Naylor wrote an article to explain what they are, starting with the basics: what is a serverless function, the link between serverless and Jamstack, what is the Edge, and even a little tutorial!
✨ We're all living on it. But what exactly is The Edge ? - Salma Alam-Naylor
💫 Action, REACTion.
React (is) 18! They grow so fast! Every new release comes with innovations and some habits to change. Hopefully, Shruti Kapoor gives us a clear article, to the point, and with examples to learn everything about the improvements coming with the new version of the framework.
✨ React 18 Quick Guide & Core Concepts Explained - Shruti Kapoor
🔧 Beautiful Tools
The terminal is supposed to be the developers’ best friend, but it’s not super fun to use. That’s why there are tools and emulators to give it colors and some very useful visual features. Alyssa Holland offers us a selection of free tools to customize our terminal and make it more likable.
✨ 7 Free Terminal Tools and Emulators to Boost Development Productivity - Alyssa Holland
Fun 🎉
🥰 The Emoji Generator
Who never dreamed of a Santa emoji dancing salsa? A Cheshire Cat emoji? A rocket-eggplant? Don’t look further: Emojinator makes your wild dreams a reality. Sophie Koonin spoils us with an intuitive interface where we can easily create the most improbable emojis — that you can use on Slack and Discord.
Events 🎡
🪜 Mothers, Mentors, and Careers – May 17th
MotherBoard organizes a series of meetups on mentorship. The next meeting will be on the four steps of mentorship: preparation, negotiation, evolution and the end of the partnership. MotherBoard provides support to mothers coming back to the workforce or willing to take a bigger step in their careers.
✨ Climbing the ladder through mentorship - Mother Board
☕ Buy us a coffee to support the newsletter 🍰 Thank you Alexandre for your support!
✨ Join us: meet-up | twitter | website
Editors: Aurelie, Camille, Lucille and Juliette
English version: Aurelie
Italian version: Paola
Spanish version: Kattya