⚗️ Newsletter Wor #21: yet another React framework, microservices, cats explaining code...
A bi-monthly newsletter about Ruby on Rails and the web.
In this issue we discuss microservices, we put cats in boxes, we discover tech jobs with no code needed, we grow plants…
😚 French version (édition française) | 🤌 Italian version (versione italiana)
Web News 🗞️
These past months it seems like we announce a new React framework at each newsletter issue, and as Ruby devs, we “react” 🥁 a little bit like this:
So… have you heard of the Remix framework? Probably not since we had to pay for it, but now it’s free, so you can take a look at its v1.0 release.
Also, the article that we have seen a lot these past two weeks (and when we say a lot it’s A LOT) was Rust Is The Future of JavaScript Infrastructure 🦀.
🛤️ Ruby and Rails News
Ruby 3.0.3 has been released and this is where Ruby is heading to.
The last WNB.rb talks:
Rails tip 💎
The method #in_order_of has been added to Rails 7 to sort the elements of a request by a defined order (different from the basic ASC, DESC).
For the previous Rails versions, you will need more code to achieve the same result. Isn’t it more fun that way though?
✨ MySQL-manually defined order the arel way
✨ Rails 7 adds ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#in_order_of
In the Web 🕸️
📝 No-Code Tech Jobs
Bukola presents different roles gravitating around coding, like QA, Technical Writer, Business Analyst, Project Manager (Agile / Scrum)… For those who want to reinvent themselves without leaving tech !
✨ In-Demand Tech Jobs (No Coding) - Bukola
⚗️ Building and Sharing Progress
When working as an entrepreneur we often have the idea that we shouldn’t talk about our project until it is well defined, or even fear that if we share it someone will steal our idea… In this beautiful presentation, Steph Smith shows why it is interesting to do the exact opposite and share our progress in the open.
✨ Building In the Open - Steph Smith
🎶 How to Recommend Music
We often grumble about the algorithms adding new recommendations in our favorite applications (on which we spend way too much time each day 🥲), but instead of speaking evil about them, let’s try to understand them with this article by Lea Briand who writes about music recommendation for new users on Deezer.
✨ Recommending music to new users - Lea Briand
Some Code 💻
🏗️ The Tough Parts of Microservices
A migration from monolith to microservices is not only about technical subjects, it’s also the teams’ collaboration we need to re-think. Jessica Tai talks about the human challenges she faced at Airbnb to help the teams collaborate during the toughest parts of this migration.
✨ The Human Side of Airbnb’s Microservice Architecture - Jessica Tai
🖌️ Data Visualization with D3.js
D3.js is a Javascript library used to manipulate and display data. We found two magnificent tutorials to test it.
✨ React + D3.js - Amelia Wattenberger
✨ How to create a screen-reader accessible graph like Apple's with D3.js - Sarah L. Fossheim
🐈 Explain Maths with Cats
There are contests where people explain their thesis in 180 seconds, this editorial team suggests a new type of contest: scientific principles explained using cats. Bonus if you do it with your own feline companions. This is what Sy Brand did to explain monads, putting their cats in boxes. And we were in “me-awe” with this idea.
✨ Monads explained with my cats! - Sy Brand
Fun 🎉
👀 Beautiful Website to Contemplate
This article is like an art gallery for websites where you can find plants, the COVID Museum of Art, some sounds to help with concentration, some design, some patterns… A lot to admire and be inspired from!
✨ A Showcase Of Lovely Little Websites - Cosima Mielke
Events 🎡
🗓 Advent of Code - December 2nd
Every morning (PST hours) join Female Coders Linz to solve the daily challenge of the Advent of Code. You can have fun working on these puzzles every day (until December 25th) in the language of your choice, alone or in a team.
✨ Advent of Code - Female Coders Linz
💻 Get On With It! Bring Your Own Project - December 5th
Ladies of Code London organizes every Sunday since April 2020 an online event to boost your motivation. This is the perfect opportunity to make progress on a project that is stalling for a while.
✨ Ladies of Code London - Get On With It!
🪜 Getting Promoted: Leveling Up as a Junior Developer - December 8th
Women Who Code Philadelphia are holding an online event to talk about how junior developers can position themselves to take the next step up in their careers. A panel of developers, tech managers, and recruiters will talk about their experience.
➡️ Leveling Up as a Junior Developer - Women Who Code Philadelphia
✨ Join us: meet-up | twitter | le site de ressources
Editors: Camille and Juliette
English version: Aurelie
Italian version: Paola