🎁 Newsletter WoR #22: quitting a job, negotiating a salary, the color of the year...
A bi-monthly newsletter about Ruby on Rails and the web.
In this issue we talk about changing jobs, how to recruit to have a diverse and inclusive team, we try to avoid the bugs, we learn about infosec, we get the monies we deserve…
😚 French version (édition française) | 🤌 Italian version (versione italiana)
🍰 Announcement 🍰 We have set up a Buy Me A Coffee account! If you like the Women on Rails newsletter, you can support and encourage us by contributing to it! Merci ! Grazie ! Thank you ! 🙏
🎄 We’re off for the end of the year and we’ll be back mid-january !
Web News 🗞️
We are wrapping up the year with news that gives us much energy: Timnit Gebru, an AI scientist who has been fired by Google last year for a study she lead that was critiquing the ethics of Google’s AI, just launched her own independent AI research institute.
🛤️ Ruby et Rails News
* Rails 7 under the tree? A recap of the last changes before the grand release.
* A game made in Ruby came out on Steam.
* The Ruby on Rails podcast released a recap of the RubyConf 2021.
Rails tip 💎
The method allows setting a maximum value in a given column. It can be a number, a string, or a date.
Person.maximum('age') # => 93
For example, it’s handy to easily obtain the most recent date in a group of records.
Project.maximum(:created_at) # => Mon, 10 Dec 2021 14:58:27 UTC +00:00
✨ Use maximum to get the most recent updated_at
In the Web 🕸️
🙅♀️ Bye, bye, bye
(… said the career coaches from NSYNC). These days we hear a lot about the “great resignation”, for a lot of people the pandemic triggered the need to change jobs. Cate invites you to ask yourself the good questions and see if it is a good time for you too.
✨ 5 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job - Cate
📦 How to Recruit a Diverse and Inclusive Team
Akia Obas shares gems to recruit a diverse team, like changing the recruitment sourcing, stop thinking it’s a pipeline problem, verifying and deconstructing our own biases, noticing how having a referral system homogenize the pool of candidates, or testing the technical knowledge to evaluate if a candidate is qualified for the job before an on-site interview.
✨ Beyond the Box: Stop relying on your Black Coworker to help you build a diverse and inclusive team - Akia Obas
💰 The monies, the bucks, the dibs, the moola…
It’s not always easy to negotiate compensation but it’s important to know your professional worth and receive what you deserve. In this article, Jennifer Riggins covers all types of compensation (like the stocks), tells when the right time to talk about it during the interview process is, and gives important steps to start the negotiation.
✨ How to Negotiate the Tech Salary You Deserve - Jennifer Riggins
Some Code 💻
🕵️ 100 Days of Infosec
We’ve been inspired by Tailor Herrarte’s thread who challenged herself to get both Penetration Tester and Bug Bounty Hunter certifications in 100 days, which gave us 100 articles about her progress. Bonus points for the good choice of gifs 👌.
✨ Blog posts for my #100DaysofInfosec challenge - The Digital Empress
🐞 How to Avoid the Bugs
In a perfect world, when we add a feature, it adjusts perfectly to what already exists and there are no bugs. But we are in the real world 🤷 . So we found this very interesting approach by Nicola Lindgren, Software Tester, to flush the bugs out of the feature at the early stage of its design, before the very first line of code.
✨ How do you actually prevent bugs? - Nicola Lindgren
🎁 Advent of code
The Advent of Code is an online advent calendar but without chocolates. Instead, we have two challenges per day and if we solve them all we save Christmas (big deal!). We won’t give you the solutions for this year, but you can watch Rachel finding them from the last.
✨ Advent of Code 2020 | Rachel (ChaelCodes)
Fun 🎉
🟣 And the Color of the Year Is…
Pantone chose the PANTONE 17-3938 Very Peri (lavender) as the color of the year 2022. Tell us what you feel! For us, it made us want to listen to Purple Rain.
✨ Pantone Color Of The Year 2022: Very Peri - Ksenia Pedchenko

Events 🎡
💪 Bystander to Upstander + LGBTQIA Inclusion - Dec 15
How do you know the environment within your team is supportive and non-toxic? Women Who Code Philadelphia is holding a workshop to better understand inclusion. You will work on strategies to support the LGBTQIA+ people and become a better ally.
✨ Bystander and Upstander + LGBTQIA inclusion - Women Who Code
💎 Ruby World Conference 2021, December 16th, online and free
The Japanese Ruby conference will be held online in a few days and accessible for free on Youtube (in English and Japanese). This time Yukihiro Matsumoto will play from home.
☕ Café Carrière - Writing Workshop: the BragDoc - December 20th (in French)
Once a month, join the Women on Rails group in Paris to take notes of your progress, day after day. Inspired by Julia Evans’ BragDocument, the goal of the workshop is to help you be recognized for your work and your skills. 🪄
✨ Atelier d'écriture: le BragDoc - Women on Rails
🤓 Sharing knowledge, Coding on Heels, December 30th
The community gets together every month to talk about careers, professional skills, or simply to meet new people.
✨ Coding On Heels - Women in Tech together sharing knowledge
☕ 🍰 Buy us a coffee to support the newsletter
✨ Join us: meet-up | twitter | the website
Editors: Camille et Juliette
English version: Aurelie
Italian version: Paola