🍎 WoR Newsletter - some Rails releases, how to spot toxic companies, creating art with code...
A bimonthly newsletter about Ruby on Rails and other web news
In this edition we are celebrating two Rails releases, question how to identify toxic companies and look at how we can create super documentation or effectively communicate our knowledge…
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Ruby and Rails News 🛤
🥳 In June we get not one, but two Rails releases:
Changelog for version 6.0.4
Changelog for version 6.1.4
🗞️ Community News
The Ruby on Rails Podcast explores the creation and future projects of WNB.rb, the community focused on women and non-binary Rubyists.
➡️ WNB.rb: Creating a community - The Ruby on Rails Podcast
GitHub Copilot, a pair-programming AI has been talked about a lot recently, you can discover it with Michelle Mannering on Twitch or on another streaming with Cassidy Williams.
Some news from Zeitwerk, a code loader for Ruby that helps manage to autoload, reload, and eager load (find the doc here)
A new book about Ruby, Polished Ruby Programming, will be released by the end of this week and the final version of Modern Front-End Development for Rails is available
RubyConf Pakistan is creating webinars regularly and the videos are available online.
Ruby Tip 💎
Ruby Double-Bang (!!)
You probably already know that Bang ( ! ) will return the opposite of the boolean value of the operand.
But what does “!!” mean in Ruby?
In Ruby there are many values that evaluate to true in a boolean context, and only false (itself) and nil are evaluated to false.
So when you chain two exclamation marks together, it converts the value to a boolean. If you negate something, that forces a boolean context. If you double-negate it, it forces the boolean context but returns the proper boolean value.
➡️ Bang-Bang
On the Web 🕸️
🍎 How to Spot Toxic Companies
Underrepresented people don’t care about a foosball table when they join a company. They’d rather know if they will be treated well and easily integrated in their new team. Dr. Nakeema Stefflbauer gives us some food for thought on what to look for and how to avoid those bad apples.
➡️ How to avoid terrible tech companies - FrauenLoop - Dr. Nakeema Stefflbauer
🤩 Bring Your Documentation to Life
Kathy Korevec, Senior Director of Product at Github, shares her experience with the evolution of Github’s documentation. Since there is nothing more frustrating than not finding the answers to our questions in a doc, she decided to list the main principles to create engaging, interactive, and efficient documentation.
➡️ Maybe it’s time we re-think docs - Kathy Korevec
🖌️ The Importance of Being Yourself
If you want to write articles, make videos, or even give a talk, but you keep telling yourself that maybe it is just not for you, we strongly encourage you to watch this video, as we think it might inspire you and change your mind. The best content we can create is the content where we share who we are, and yes, that can include sharing our drag tech skills like Anna Lytical.
➡️ Keynote: Glamorous JavaScript: Makeup and Coding Education - Anna Lytical
Some Code 💻
🧐 Everything You Want to Know About Tests
A fascinating podcast (with transcripts) about the utility of tests, what we should test, the different types of tests, what test coverage is appropriate...
When you really think about what tests are, they are guarding your features. They are the source of truth on if this works or does not work. So you can’t half-ass this.
Angie Jones, Principal Automation Architect
➡️ Testing testing 1 2 3 with Angie Jones
🖼️ Improve the Design of Your Website with a Twist
Coding is a tech job, but it’s also a job with a lot of creativity. You need coding knowledge and also creativity to develop a new design or suggest a solution to a problem. Monica Dinculescu shows this very well in this article about her website redesign. She decided to add a piece of art on her home page that is generated randomly when you load it. A poetic and eye-catching way to combine art and technique !
➡️ I redesigned my site - Monica Dinculescu
☁️ Work in the Cloud
If “DevOps” or “Cloud engineer” jobs have piqued your curiosity, you will find everything you need to know in this four-part course. It provides great general knowledge of some of the most popular tools. We also liked the “Study Resources” section focusing on how to learn.
➡️ Learn the fundamentals of Cloud Computing in 6 months - Gwyneth Peña-Siguenza
Fun 🎉
🐔 Coding With Style
A VSCode theme inspired by Fortnite with neon colors we really liked!
Fortnite VS Code Theme - Sarah Drasner

Replay 📽
🎉 The Importance of Fun in the Workplace
Maybe you remember the euphoria right after printing your very first “Hello World”, but you haven’t felt this for a long time. Rather than throwing your computer in the trash, we think you should check out this guide to different ways to find joy at work.
➡️ The importance of Fun in the Workplace - Dr. Holly Cummins
👣 All Roads Lead to Good Code
Struggling to evolve as a developer? Want to learn how to write better quality code? Nicole Carpenter shares some important insights and strategies in this video.
➡️ How to be a great developer without being a great coder - Nicole Carpenter
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Editors: Camille and Juliette
Translators: Aurelie, Charlotte and Marie