😵 Newsletter WoR #57: Code like in 1969, redesigning the Lego logo, QueerJS in Paris...
A monthly newsletter about Ruby on Rails and the web
In this issue, we have a story arc: dogs. We were probably inspired by the cats and dogs raining outside… Apart from that, we see how to convert an enumerable into a hash in Ruby, we are looking forward to QueerJS taking place in Paris, and we learn how to protect our time to code…
😚 French version (version française) | 🤌 Italian version (versione italiana) | 🤝 Spanish version (versión española)
Web News 🗞️
🐕 Fetch!
For once we’ll make an exception and present a tool rather than a framework or web news; we can’t stop stumbling upon it! “Who is it” you might ask? It’s Bruno.
Its logo is just adorable:
But beyond its cute looks, this doggo aims to challenge Postman on their own turf. Who already tried it? Let us know if the comments :)
🤏 News in Brief
Last month we reported that Apple wanted to block Progressive Web Apps (PWA) in Europe. They have since backtracked on that topic.
The language family is happy to announce the birth of Gleam version 1. We like: the starfish logo (one of our editors would like to spearhead the movement “Mascot-Driven Development”) and their interactive page to learn how to write our first lines of code.
MDN has extensive documentation (which we always appreciated) and they recently released a new curriculum for front-end developers.
Our little darling: maybe you were one of those people who created their first blog back when it was simple, without having to chose from a dozen of possible frameworks. If that sounds like you, Nekoweb is perfect for you.
Ruby and Rails News 🛤️
This article was shared on the Slack from our friends over at WNB.rb. “Zeitwerk” is a gem that’s been integrated in Rails starting from Rails 6 to manage modules and classes. It removes all these “require” statements everywhere. Since Rails 7 stopped supporting the traditional autoloader, so it’s time to get familiar with Zeitwork! Senem Soy explains how to go about it.
✨ Debugging The Zeitwerk Migration - Senem Soy
🤏 News in Brief
Euroko early bird tickets are up for sale.
Rails 7.2 added a new Active Job method: perform_all_later. We would’ve like to call it “that_s_a_tomorrow_job” or “i_am_definetely_doing_it_later” but we’ll settle for that.
Andrea Fomera’s course to learn Hotwire has launched in early access since March 20th!
Ruby Tip 💎
From enumerable to hash with index_by()
What if you wanted to convert an enumerable into a hash? The value you will pass in index_by will the the key to sort the elements as values.
# => { "nextangle" => <Person ...>, "chade-" => <Person ...>, ...}
people.index_by { |person| "#{person.first_name} #{person.last_name}" }
# => { "Chade- Fowlersburg-e" => <Person ...>, "David Heinemeier Hansson" => <Person ...>, ...}
On the Web 🕸️
🛡️ Temporal Shield
A magic shield to block time in your calendar and better manage your schedule? Say no more.
✨ Timeshielding: How to Do the Things you Actually Want to Do - Anne-Laure Le Cunff
👵🏽 Less Data Centers, More Paper: Code Like in 1969
If you studied programming in university you might remember the good ol’ days of writing code with pencil and paper during exams. There was indeed a time when we often coded without a keyboard or screen, as we learn in this fascinating interview of Marianne Ernerfeldt, pioneer of modern computing in Sweden.
✨ Programming in 1969 - Emil Ernerfeldt
🚫 Not so Small
We heard a lot about the term microaggression is the last few years, particularly within advocacy groups. From rude comments to denigrating behaviours, microaggressions can quickly weigh down on marginalized groups. The organization Pride at Work Canada listed the most common microaggressions in a visually striking and clear website.
✨ The Micropedia of Microagressions
Some Code 💻
🎯 Life Outside of Code?
There was a time (not so long ago, about 20 years) when developers were paid based on the number of lines they wrote! Because writing lots of code = good developer ! Well, times have changed and Amarachi Amaechi tells us what we need to know in addition to coding to be a good developer.
✨ Why You Need Soft Skills as a Software Developer - Amarachi Amaechi
😵 Heads Will Roll
We’re part of Julia Evans’s fan club (who isn’t?) and we like the articles where she dives into “scary” topics to explain them to us. Do you know exactly how HEAD works in git? Julia did a poll and close to half of the people weren’t sure. Better to review how it works and get it into our heads!
✨ How HEAD works in git - Julia Evans
🆙 From the New Mexico desert to CTO at Netlify
We were moved by something Dana Lawson (new CTO of Netlify) said: “I wanted to forge my own way out of poverty in the desert”. She looks back on her career (she started in the military), how knowing the pain of JavaScript makes her a good CTO, and tells us more about front-end at Netlify.
✨ Netlify’s Approach to the Frontend According to Its New CTO - Loraine Lawson
Fun 🎉
🧱 It Hurts Just to Think About it
What would the Lego logo looked like if we gave it the look of the feeling you get when inadvertently stepping on it? This is exactly the kind of research that the editorial team would want NASA to finance. We therefore share this essay from Abi Connick.
I Redesigned Lego’s logo (to make it more painful) - Abi Connick
Events 🎡
🌈 QueerJS, Paris - April 23rd
QueerJS is back in Paris in April and we’re so excited for this awesome meetup. We don’t have all the details yet since CFPs are still open (and you can submit a talk !! 😇), but you will be able to see Rachel Nabors, Sara Vieira and Paola Ducolin.
💸 Black Tech Week Discount Until April 30th
You can take advantage of the early bird pricing (50% off) until the end of April for the three-day conference in June. This event will for sure have amazing workshops, panel discussions, meeting techies and investors, and of course, lots of speakers.
✨ Black Tech Week, Cincinnati - Ohio
☑️ Learning About Tech Leadership - March 28th
Women Who Code is hosting a live virtual panel with several tech executives. It’s a good chance to learn from other women’s journeys into tech leadership and ask some career questions.
✨ Inspiring Inclusion: Insights and Strategies from Tech Leadership
☕ Buy us a coffee to support the newsletter 🍰
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Editors: Aurelie, Camille, Lucille and Juliette
English version: Jade
Italian version: Paola
Spanish version: Kattya